Summer 2018 Earth Letter

Empathy is the ability to share another person’s feelings and emotions
as if they were our own. It has also been described as the ability to put ourselves in another person’s place. Most everyone has some degree of natural empathy, yet it is also a skill that we can cultivate and strengthen with practice. By listening more attentively, observing more closely, and imagining ourselves in the situation of others more frequently, we gain valuable understanding that can help us show deeper love, kindness, and compassion to all living creatures.

Articles include:

  • Communicating Climate Change to People of Faith by Dr. Katharine Hayhoe
  • The Danger of Binaries by Hunter Paulson-Smith
  • Connectivity and Community by Hunter Paulson-Smith
  • Chicago Church Pursues Environmental Justice “By Any Greens Necessary” by Celeste Kennel-Shank
  • Empathetic Interfaith Relationships in Response to Hate ft. Rabbi Seth Goldstein and Mustafa Mohamedali 
  • The Importance of Kindness: Teaching Empathy Through
    Interaction with Nature by Melissa Harding
  • Repairing the World by Minding the Store by Anya Callahan 

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