
One of Earth Ministry/WA IPL’s core values is collaboration. We participate in a variety of coalition spaces that help inform our programs and guide our advocacy efforts. The partnerships listed below are intentionally established and maintained with mindfulness as to how the Earth Ministry/WA IPL community can best engage in the overall movement for environmental justice. Click through each partner name to learn more about our shared work.


Interfaith Power & Light (IPL)

Earth Ministry/WAIPL is part of the national Interfaith Power & Light network, which is a coalition of organizations in nearly 40 states around the country. This powerful multifaith partnership inspires and mobilizes people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate change. Earth Ministry/WAIPL has represented Washington State in the IPL network since 2008, and our Executive Director currently serves on the national Network Steering Committee.

US Climate Action Network (USCAN)

Earth Ministry/WAIPL is one of the 175+ members of USCAN, a nationwide coalition dedicated to building trust and alignments among members to fight climate change in a just and equitable way. Working together, we seek to meet the global goals in the Paris Climate Agreement and exceed the US targets outlined in that agreement. 

Pacific Northwest

Stand Up To Oil (SUTO)

Earth Ministry/WAIPL is an active partner in the Stand Up to Oil campaign, a coalition of organizations opposed to new oil terminals and an increase in oil transport through the Northwest. Campaign groups also work to improve safety measures for oil currently traveling through the region and seek to transition the Northwest off fossil fuels by actively supporting policies that advance clean energy investments.

NW Energy Coalition (NWEC)

Earth Ministry/WAIPL is a longtime member of NWEC, an alliance of over 100 environmental, civic, faith, and human service organizations, progressive utilities, and businesses in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. NWEC is the Northwest’s broadest coalition of energy interests in designing, promoting, and implementing a 21st century energy system that provides clean, reliable, and affordable energy; sustains our communities; and preserves the region’s natural resources. 

Save Our Wild Salmon (SOS) 

Earth Ministry/WAIPL partners closely with SOS on an ambitious effort to recover endangered salmon and orcas by restoring the Lower Snake River. Our shared goal is to ensure self-sustaining, abundant, and harvestable populations of salmon and steelhead to the rivers, streams, and marine waters of the Northwest for the benefit of people, orcas, and ecosystems. 

Washington State

Environmental Priorities Coalition (EPC)

Earth Ministry/WAIPL is the only faith-based member of the Environmental Priorities Coalition, a statewide coalition made up of more than 20 organizations working to safeguard our environment and the health of our communities in the Washington State legislature. The EPC sets legislative priorities each year and has an unprecedented track record of success in passing numerous strong environmental bills in its nearly 20-year existence.

Climate Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy (Climate Alliance)

Earth Ministry/WAIPL has been a member of the Climate Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy since its inception in 2014. The Climate Alliance is a statewide coalition of communities of color, environmental advocates, labor unions, health professionals, businesses, and faith communities working with tribal nations – plus thousands of volunteers from across Washington State – committed to building a resilient climate justice movement. 

Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition (TFLC) 

Earth Ministry/WAIPL is a nearly 15-year member of the Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition, an alliance of over 60 Washington state health, environmental, faith, and community organizations working to protect health and the environment from toxic chemicals. 

Sphere Solar Energy (Sphere Solar) 

Earth Ministry/WAIPL formed an exciting partnership with Sphere Solar Energy in 2022 to help more congregations and households make the switch to clean solar energy. Sphere Solar Energy views energy as being a basic human right so long as it is sustainable and does not infringe on the rights of others. Their dedication to being and helping environmental stewards means that their residential and commercial solar projects, job training and educational programs, and their nonprofit, Sphere One, combine to expand access to affordable clean energy in underserved communities around the state and the globe to enable fairer opportunities to displace carbon-based energy systems which compound inequalities and social injustices. You can learn more about our partnership here.

EarthShare Washington (EarthShare) 

Earth Ministry/WAIPL belongs to EarthShare Washington, a workplace giving program that helps employers meet their social responsibility goals by linking their employees’ interests with viable choices for addressing the critical environmental challenges facing our state. If your employer partners with EarthShare, you can double your impact by designating Earth Ministry as your primary beneficiary. We also welcome your employer match contributions!