Congregational Membership

Houses of worship are at the heart of the Earth Ministry/WAIPL community. Congregants coming together with the shared purpose to care for creation have the amazing potential to learn, grow, and act together for the common good. Earth Ministry/WAIPL wants to support your community’s good work and aid you on the journey toward sustainability.

Benefits of congregational membership include:

  • An annual adult education class taught by Earth Ministry/WAIPL staff
  • Earth Ministry/WAIPL staff consultation with your Green Team
  • Accompaniment through Earth Ministry/WAIPL’s Greening Congregations program
  • A subscription to our award winning publication Earth Letter
  • Lay leader support through our Colleague Connections program
  • Networking opportunities with other congregations caring for creation
  • Ongoing support and updates from Earth Ministry/WAIPL

Congregational members support Earth Ministry/WAIPL through an annual donation of $250 or above. We welcome congregational members of all sizes and offer a sliding scale for smaller communities. Contact the Earth Ministry/WAIPL office for more information.

Earth Ministry/WAIPL congregations are bringing to life our collective mission of transforming faith into action for the well-being of communities and the environment. Join us!

Trinity UMC Creation Pope Sign 1