The sermons provided are intended as a theological resources for those interested in delivering a creation care sermon.
Celebration of St. Francis Sermon Contests Finalists
Sermons by Earth Ministry Staff and Colleagues
Celebration of St. Francis Sermon Contests Finalists
Renewing the Earth Community by Annette Andrews-Lux
Calling us back to a sense of inter-dependence, we must open our hearts to a deep transformation of our sense of community so that we can no longer see Earth as resource but rather as part of our sacred community.
Renew a Right Spirit by Tom Walker
Text: Psalm 51:10-12
Draws a comparison between the Spirit, the breath of God, and the climate changes we are currently experiencing.
Keeping the Sabbath to Keep the Earth by Sherry Golden (Winner of the Lay Category)
Text: Psalm 145:9; Genesis 2:15; Numbers 6:24
Calls us into a return to the practice of sabbath as a means to reduce environmental destruction.
Staying Awake by Rev. Mary Brown
Prompted by worldwide concerns of climate change and environmental destruction we are called to awake and remember our interconnectedness with all of creation.
Abundance: Answering God’s Call by Rev. Gerald Porter
Text: Matthew 14:13-21
Drawing on the Feeding of the Five Thousand and the Millenium Development Goals, this sermon calls us to live in abundance and trust God to help us restore creation.
The Care of Creation as a Moral and Ethical Imperative by Sr. Mimi Maloney
Reconnects us with the rich Mystical, Creation-Centered Spiritual Tradition where everything is sacred and revelatory deserving our utmost respect, reverence, protection and care.
The Irresistible, Sustainable Future by Elizabeth Freese, Austin Texas
Text: Psalm 118 and Palm Sunday Gospel
Compares the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly to today’s economic and social changes and the certainty and hope of God’s Kindom coming through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
May St. Francis Speak to Us Anew by Jeanie Graustein, New Haven, CT
Explores the values and prayers of St. Francis in light of contemporary scientific understanding.
Keepers of God’s Beloved World, by Rev. Anne Hall, Seattle, WA
Text: John 3:14-21
Calls for action to end climate change by examining the world’s state in light of the most popular verse in the Bible, “For God so loved the world.”
Christ the Hope for All Creation…and Humans, Too by Rev. Dr. Henry Langknecht
Text: John 20:19-31
Asks the question, “How much did Thomas see before he believed?” If Jesus scars are humanity’s and the earth’s scars too, then God’s mission in the universe extends forgiveness, reconciliation, and wholeness to all of creation.
I Worship the Author of the Horrendous Space Kablooie by Rev. John Helmiere, Seattle, WA *Winner of the Franciscan Philanthropist Award
Earth’s Answer to a Curious Journey by Minister S. Emmanuel Epps, Brooklyn, NY
Grappling Green by Rev. Doug Bland, Tempe, AZ
When a Leaf Needs to Speak by Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, Northampton, MA
Abundance by Rev. Stephanie Johnson, New Haven, CT
Margins and Hope by Dr. Gil Waldkoenig, Gettysburg
Changing Forms of Light by William Scarvie, Bainbridge Island, WA
Did Francis Have a Weed Whacker? by Rev. Paul Graves, Sandpoint, ID
Sermons by Earth Ministry Staff and Colleagues
A By the Waters service led by the Earth Ministry staff at Holden Village on July 11, 2008
Sermon by Deanna Matzen
Text: John 4:3-30
Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well reveals to us the seeds of environmental degradation and the hope of Living Water.
Touching the Resurrected Christ by Tanya Marcovna Barnett
Text: John 20:19-31
Focusing on the question, where is hope, this sermon turns to the resurrection of Jesus for answers.
An Earth Day Sermon by Steven Whitney
Texts: Genesis 2:15, 9:8-11 and Job 12:10, 38:1-7
Looks at creation “as a manifestation of God in our midst.” This sermon serves as an example of one person’s look at the role of humanity within this broader creation.
Christ in All Things by Rev. Nancy G. Wright
Text: Colossians 1:15-20
Explores the belief that God, in Christ, is holding the world together. This belief teaches us several things about how we are to live in relationship with God and with the rest of creation.
Compelling Choices by Joseph C. Hough
Texts: Deuteronomy 30:15-20 and Luke 4:16-21
In the face of immense ecological destruction and human poverty, Hough urges listeners to “choose life” for the entire planet.
The Family of All Creation by Tanya Marcovna Barnett
Texts: Psalm 148, Colossians 1:17, and Romans 1:20
This contemporary reflection on Psalm 148, in which the entire creation sings praise to God. In keeping with the image of a creation-encompassing “choir,” it looks at our role in this choir and asks that (in the words of St. Basil the Great), “may we realize that all creatures live not for us alone but for themselves and for Thee, and that they love the sweetness of life.”
In Love with All Creation by Rev. Rodney Romeny
Texts: Genesis 1:24-31, Deuteronomy 33:13-16, John 3:16; and Revelation 21:1-5, 22:1-5
A personal reflection for “Earth Sunday” 1995, which also happened to be Mothers’ Day. This sermon serves as a good introduction to addressing the question “why should people of faith care about creation?”
A Matter of Hope by Rev. Peter S. Sawtell
Texts: Jeremiah 17:12-18 and 1 Peter 1:13-21
Looks at the act of “placing our hope in God.” With this act comes commitments to biblical and historic notions of justice and peace, to appropriate power and humility, and to compassion and community — one that encompasses all of creation.
Nature as “The New Poor” by Rev. Paul A. Magnano
Focusing on John the Baptist and on baptism, this sermon broadens the concept of love thy neighbor to include love of all creation.