Winter 2020-21 Earth Letter

This issue of Earth Letter is focused on faithful advocacy: putting faith into action in pursuit of justice. The issues of today require empathy, hope, courage, community, and commitment. The faith community is uniquely suited to speak out on the wide range of issues we care about, grounded in our traditions’ teachings and these shared values.

Yet taking action can be frightening. We tell ourselves that we don’t know enough about the topic, that someone else can speak better than we can, or that our voice doesn’t matter.

The truth is that people just like you and me — with jobs, families, congregational obligations, and (hopefully to resume someday soon) evening soccer practices — can make a big difference simply by sharing our values and personal stories with elected officials. People of faith in particular can articulate the moral voice for the health of creation and our neighbors, which encourages legislators to vote for the common good.

In these pages you’ll find inspiration, resources, and concrete tips on how to lend your voice to the growing choir of individuals and religious communities speaking up to protect communities and the environment. It’s an incredibly empowering experience to exercise your rights and responsibilities as an engaged citizen, and it’s easier
than you might think.

All we are asked to do in striving for justice is to leave our comfort zones — leave behind our reluctance to speak up, to take action. As we open our hearts and accept our faiths’ call to advocate for a better world, we can help shape the future we want to see, today.

Articles include:

  • Sowing the Seeds of Climate Justice by Rev. Dallas Conyers
  • Guardians of the Earth (Shomrei Adamah) by Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum, cofounder and rabbi of Kavana Cooperative
  • Speaking up for Environmental Justice by Maddie Smith, Earth Ministry Operations Manager
  • Putting Your Faith Into Action Through Advocacy by LeeAnne Beres, Earth Ministry Executive Director
  • Good Stories Make Great Advocacy by Jessica Zimmerle, Earth Ministry Programs & Outreach Director
  • Sharing Your Story – Example Testimony from Rev. Terry Teigen, Earth Ministry Board Member

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