Winter 2006-2007 Earth Letter

Winter 2006-07The central focus of this issue is a closer look at the mainline Protestant and Roman Catholic Churches’ involvement in political advocacy. We will hear from activists both local and national. This issue provides a number of windows through which we can see the Christian calling to political activism in action. We hear from persons within our government, from writers, and citizen activists.

In this issue:

  • Clocks of the Heart by Barbara Brown Taylor
  • American Democracy Today: The Blind Leading the Clueless by Froma Harrop
  • Political Activism: Taking Jesus Seriously by Lisa Domke
  • Priorities for a Healthy Washington by LeeAnne Beres
  • Christian Values in Action in Oregon by Jenny Holmes
  • My Faith and Political Activism? by Barack Obama
  • No Leap of Faith Required by Jim McDermott
  • “…With God’s Help” by John Johnson

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