Winter 2005-2006 Earth Letter

Winter 2005-06

This issue focuses on “lessons from Katrina”. If September 11, 2001 is emblazoned in the mind of America as the day we lost our sense of invulnerability to attack, then August 29, 2005 should stand as the day mainstream American began to see the intimate interconnections between environmental issues on the one hand and poverty, race, and privilege on the other.

In this issue:

  • The Wisdom of our Grandmothers by LeeAnne Beres
  • Hurricanes and Global Warming by Bill Chameides
  • When There’s No More to Say, It’s Time to Feel by Joan Chittister
  • Ha Shem by Karen Baker-Fletcher
  • Christian America and Katrina: Bambi Meets Godzilla by Bill McKibben
  • Rescue Came from the Grass Roots by Bruce Dixon

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