Washington Senator Maria Cantwell speaks out against GTN XPress

In a letter received by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on September 14, 2023, Washington St. Senator Maria Cantwell headed a letter expressing concern about TC Energy’s proposed expansion of the GTN XPress pipeline.

Sen. Cantwell, also joined by Oregon Senator’s Merkley and Wyden, as well as California Senator’s Feinstein and Padilla, wrote, “we believe it is clear that while this pipeline expansion may be in the interest of the applicant, it is not in the interest of the public we represent, nor the requirements of the NGA, and consequently should not be approved by the Commission.”

The Senators continue, “We are also concerned that, according to the Commission’s November 2022 Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), the project will result in the release of approximately 1.9 million tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions annually, which would represent a significant portion of the greenhouse gas emissions our three states plan to emit from all sources by mid-century.”

Additionally, Earth Ministry/WAIPL received confirmation that once again FERC has decided not to include the GTN Xpress expansion on the agenda for their upcoming meeting. While we are not aware of the reasoning behind FERC’s decision to once again delay including this hazardous expansion project on their September meeting agenda, the Senators co-signed letter seemed to have an immediate impact.

This public statement marks a significant victory in the #StopGTNXPress Coalition’s work and would not be possible without the outpouring of comments, calls, and letters from faithful advocates across the Northwest and beyond!  Thank you to everyone who shared their concerns and stories with Senator Cantwell! The work to end this disastrous project will continue and yet we take time to acknowledge and celebrate this victory in the midst of a difficult campaign.

Read the full letter here