Vote Yes for Transit: Renew Seattle Prop 1

Dear friends,

Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light is proud to support Yes for Transit, the campaign to approve City of Seattle Proposition 1 for critical transit investments in bus service and affordability programs.

Seattleites rely on transit. While the pandemic currently has many of us at home, one in three essential workers depend on Metro. We must ensure bus service remains open, safe, and dependable for those we count on.

As you fill out your ballot over the next few days, we urge you to complete it all the way to the bottom to VOTE YES and approve City of Seattle, Proposition No. 1.

As the pandemic causes even more families to struggle to make ends meet, Seattle Prop. 1 supports affordability programs for our low-income neighbors, including free passes for all public high school students, as well as programs for essential workers, seniors, and public housing residents. Investing in access to efficient and reliable public transit is key to ensuring a strong and just recovery. It will help people get back to work, while also reducing carbon emissions by keeping cars off the road.

Seattle Prop. 1 is a renewal and modification of an existing tax. It will provide $39 million annually over 6 years, costing the average family only $27 a year. It also includes strong, independent citizen oversight to ensure our transit dollars are spent wisely.

As we have said before, voting our values is an act of faith and love. Voting yes on Seattle Prop. 1 is one way you can put your faith in action this election season to care for local communities and the environment.

Learn more about the campaign at, follow @Yes4TransitSEA, and re-share Earth Ministry’s endorsement post on social media.

In peace,
Jessica Zimmerle (she/her)
Program & Outreach Director