Virtual Farewell Party for Outgoing Executive Director, LeeAnne Beres

Dear Earth Ministry/WAIPL community,

As you have heard, LeeAnne Beres, our beloved Executive Director, has announced that she is moving on to new ventures and her last day with us will be on August 31.

LeeAnne has been an outstanding Executive Director over the last 16 years. Her visionary leadership brought faithful advocacy into Earth Ministry’s mission, and she now leaves us well on our way to living out our 2020-2025 strategic plan. LeeAnne has poured her heart into this organization. Before she departs, let’s celebrate her with a heartfelt send-off!

Virtual Farewell Party for Outgoing Executive Director, LeeAnne Beres
Thursday, Aug 26, 6:00pm PST on Zoom
Register Here

We hope you’ll mark your calendar, register for the event, and attend with a spirit of joy and gratitude! To add to the party atmosphere, please feel free to enjoy a tasty sweet or savory snack and a festive beverage during the event. It is fine to come when you can and leave when you must. The program will allow for many ways of participation.

If you’d like to share memories, reflections, or well-wishes with LeeAnne you’ll have the opportunity to do so at the party — in two minutes or less, public hearing style! Just make sure to mark that you’d like to speak when you register. If speaking publicly isn’t your thing, you can use this form anytime between now and the end of the party to drop LeeAnne a note.

If you can’t attend the party, you can still make a donation here to honor LeeAnne’s legacy at Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power and Light.

There are many ways that we are preparing for LeeAnne’s departure and our next steps, and you’ll be hearing more in the coming weeks. Perhaps the most fun part of the transition will be this farewell party for LeeAnne. Thank you for joining us in celebration of LeeAnne’s legacy!

The Earth Ministry/WAIPL Board

LeeAnne speaking on behalf of Earth Ministry at a 2006 press conference supporting I-937, the WA Energy Independence Act, one of Earth Ministry’s first major advocacy victories.