Town Hall: Women and Climate Change

Seattle Channel
March 11, 2010

In March, Earth Ministry invited friends and members to a forum hosted by The League of Women Voters about the effects of climate change on women around the world.

Jessie Dye speaks about advocacy as one practical response to global climate change
Jessie Dye speaks about advocacy as one practical response to global climate change

Phil Borges, photographer and author (Women Empowered: Inspiring Change in the Emerging World) launched the program with his photos and stories of women facing climate change around the world.

Sara Curran and Lucy Jarosz, professors at the University of Washington came to the stage next, for a conversation based on their research and teaching expertise about the reasons and ways climate change affects poor women globally, and the possible solutions experts propose.

Jessie Dye, an advocate from Earth Ministry, concluded the evening with very practical about solutions and ways in which we can participate.

It’s not too late to see the evening’s events unfold!  Please see the link below for a video recording of this great night.

Read the original story