The Big Bold Jewish Climate Fest: January 27-31, 2021 / Tu BiShvat 5781

Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light was honored to be a partner in the Big Bold Jewish Climate Fest, held in conjunction with the Tu BiShvat holiday.

Known as the “New Year of the Trees,” Tu BiShvat marks the earliest date for the blooming of fruit trees in Israel and the beginning of spring. It is now celebrated as a day for ecological awareness in the Jewish tradition.

The Big Bold Jewish Climate Fest seeks to make climate change a central moral issue of the Jewish community. We joined leaders from many faith communities, indigenous activists, youth organizers, and more for inspiration and invitations to make a difference.

Earth Ministry/WAIPL hosted two events during the Festival:

Earth Ministry/WAIPL staff and board also presented at these events led by local Jewish partners::