Summer 2024: Season of Energy

This summer, Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light is taking the time to celebrate our Season of Energy. Our community is no stranger to the fact that basing an economy on fossil fuels is not taking care of creation nor good for long-term prosperity, nor is our community a stranger to all the work that goes into making renewable energy and energy efficiency a standard in communities across Washington. So, we want to celebrate and educate in all the ways you, your communities, and the state can engage with the different facets of energy conservation in Washington. From big projects like solar, to small scale, accessible, home DIY efficiency projects, we want to nourish our community’s desire to change! 

Two Offerings for Large Scale Energy Projects

Electrify Your Church or Business with Solar Panels: Insights on Best Practices for Solar Installation and Financing

Do you want to learn about the pros, cons, costs, and financing options when it comes to solar panel installation on your congregation or business?

Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light invites you to a workshop to help navigate all your tricky questions for our first event for our Season of Energy on Thursday, July 18, from 7:00 -8:00 pm on Zoom!

Different wisdom traditions call upon us to be good stewards of our Earth and take care of what we have been entrusted to live upon and with. Faith values of stewardship, justice, and intergenerational responsibility tell us that basing an economy on fossil fuels is not taking care of creation nor good for long-term prosperity and we need to phase energy sources such as coal, oil, gas and focus on clean energy.

By shifting to solar energy, houses of worship can not only be models for clean energy standards, but your facilities will begin to save on electrical bills and reduce carbon emissions while living out your values. 

Earth Ministry/WA IPL is organizing this workshop to discuss the rationale for solar panels, types of solar panels, considerations for installation, and how to pay for solar panels. Richard Hartung, a homeowner with solar panels who also volunteers with a solar nonprofit, will discuss his experience with solar panels and batteries. Solar installation experts Stu Frothingham and Roy Foster, of Puget Sound Solar, will provide insights about how to select and work with an installer as well as what to consider when installing solar panels.

We will also discuss some of the financing options or grant programs available for churches, non-profits and businesses. You’ll learn about potential sources of funding or grants that you can investigate and assess after the session.

Join us from 7:00 – 8:00 pm on Thursday, July 18, on Zoom to learn how to make a better decision on how or whether to install solar panels.

Our Q&A at the end will provide time to have your questions answered.

Saving Money & Saving the Planet with Solar Panels: Insights for Homeowners and Renters on Best Practices

Do you want to learn about the pros, cons, costs, and financing options when it comes to solar panel installation on your home?

Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light invites you to a workshop to help navigate all your tricky questions for our second event for our Season of Energy on Thursday, August 15, from 7:00-8:00 pm on Zoom!

Solar panels offer a multitude of benefits, including lower electricity bills and mitigating climate change. However, choosing solar panels and selecting the right company to install them as well as understanding the financial or neighborhood impacts can seem complex.

Earth Ministry/WA IPL is organizing this workshop to discuss the rationale for solar panels, types of solar panels, considerations for installation, and how to pay for solar panels. Richard Hartung, a homeowner with solar panels who also volunteers with a solar nonprofit, will discuss his experience with solar panels and batteries. Solar installation experts Stu Frothingham and Roy Foster, of Puget Sound Solar, will provide insights about how to select and work with an installer as well as what to consider when installing solar panels.

This webinar will cover how solar panels work, the options and components for solar energy, costs and benefits, sources of funding, managing installation, maintaining solar panels and pro tips. 

Join us from 7:00 – 8:00 pm on Thursday, August 15 on Zoom to learn how to make a better decision about how or whether to install solar panels.

Our Q&A at the end will provide time to have your questions answered.

Community Offerings

Events Coming Soon!