Summer 2020 Earth Letter

What a year 2020 has been so far, with seismic shifts reshaping the world. COVID-19 has completely changed how we connect with each other and work together toward our common goals, and the global movement to dismantle systems of white supremacy is gaining powerful momentum.

Ours is community that comes together around shared values that compel us to protect and improve the health of our neighbors and the planet. Putting our faith into action is not a task we take lightly, but a deep conviction – and one I’ve seen you live out in new ways over the last few months. Your resilience and dedication give me hope, and our work together is making a difference.

Since we don’t know how long the coronavirus will impact our ability to gather in person, this issue of Earth Letter focuses on sustaining community. Earth Ministry is committed to crafting new ways to engage you and our broad network of supporters in the work of environmental justice. You are the heart of our community, and as we live into Earth Ministry’s new strategic plan (see page 6), we look forward to being on this journey with you.

Articles include:

  • Active Hope in a Challenging World by Rev. Dr. Marilyn Cornwell, Rev. Terry Teigen, and Francie Rutherford, current and former Earth Ministry board members.
  • Community as Sacred Interconnectedness by Reuben Gelblum, Earth Ministry board member
  • Extending an Ethical Web from COVID-19 to the Climate Crisis by Rabbi Avi Fine, Assistant Rabbi at Temple De Hirsch Sinai
  • Apocalypse and Community: Sustenance for the Climate Justice Fight by Avery Davis Lamb
  • The Unexpected Efficacy of Love (When Dreams Fail) by Sister Clare Josef-Maier

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