Summer 2012 Earth Letter

summer 2012

Our focus for this issue of Earth Letter is on water, which plays a pivotal role in scripture and for our planet. Water is precious and the one thing that most life on Earth can’t exist without. Our bodies are approximately 60% water. We drink it, we bathe in it, we use it to grow and prepare our food. Water also plays a pivotal role in scripture.

God formed the earth itself out of the waters and formed a covenant with Noah and “every living creature” after the great flood. Moses parted the Red Sea, John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, and Jesus in turn spoke of living water with the woman at the well.

Yet most of us take water for granted. We turn on the tap and it’s there, or we see our favorite body of water but not the pollutants or uses that threaten it.

In this issue:

  • Saving God’s Natural Systems by Dean Ohlman
  • Falling in Love — with Water! by Dr. Loretta Jancoski
  • Responding to the Gift of Water by Clare Brauer-Rieke
  • Water’s Spirit by Dr. Gary Chamberlain
  • The Right to Water by Suzanne MacNevin & Charles Moffat
  • Saving Water, One Drop at a Time

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