Spring 2012 Earth Letter


Our focus for this issue of Earth Letter is on Greening Congregations, which are the heart of Earth Ministry’s mission and work. Whether it’s offering ideas for creation-honoring worship services, teaching adult education classes on environmental issues, sharing suggestions for greening a church’s building and grounds, or engaging members in faithful advocacy in the legislature, Earth Ministry supports a wide range of creation care activities in our member churches.

Our congregational activists, whom we think of as Colleagues, are central to those greening efforts. In the cover article, you’ll hear from Marcy Lagerloef, a long-time Colleague and former board member, who learned first-hand how the youth of the church can lead the way in making a parish eco-friendly.

In this issue:

  • “…And a Child Shall Lead Them” by Marcy Lagerloef
  • Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust by Rev. Hunt Priest
  • Greening Congregations: Strength in Community by Betsy Cannon
  • Earth Ministry’s Greening Congregations Program
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Our Greening Congregations’ Stories
  • Prayer: Walking in Wonder by Dr. Alexandra Kovats, CSJP

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