Spring 2007 Earth Letter

Spring 2007

This issue features articles from each of the four keynote presenters of the Interfaith Creation Festival. In addition, Bill McKibben, one of the nation’s most articulate writers on environmental concerns, highlights the complementary roles of youth and older generations in the environmental movement.

In this issue:

  • A Last Best Chance for Baby Boomers to Help the Next Generation by Bill McKibbon
  • The Interfaith Creation Festival by Jim Mulligan
  • AfroAmerican Thoughts on God in Creation by Karen Baker-Fletcher
  • Building Bridges of Peace and Justice by Imam W.D. Mohammed
  • The Mountain and the River Valley: Environmentalism as the Foundation of Dialogue Between Civilizations by Rabbi Lawrence Troster
  • Defining a Culture of Environmental Justice: A Christian Perspective by Bishop Steven Charleston

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