Snake River Salmon News Archive

Petition to WA State Legislators: Stop Salmon Extinction

Bishops issue statement for care of creation

Washington Catholic Bishops to Lawmakers: Take deliberate action on salmon recovery with Northwest Native Nations as principal partners

Gov Inslee and Sen. Murray Lower Snake River Dam Replacement Report

Spirit of the Waters Totem Pole Journey: Challenge 2.0 Three Part Series

Gov. Inslee and Sen. Murray Release Lower Snake River Dams Report

Faith Leaders respond to Lower Snake River salmon draft report

Spirit of the Waters Totem Pole Journey Recap

The Snake River to Salish Sea Spirit of the Waters Totem Pole Journey

Rabbi Seth Goldstein speaks at Stop Salmon Extinction Rally in Olympia

Thanking Senators for Salmon Funding

Highlights from NW Tribes’ Salmon & Orca Summit

Historic summit of tribes across Pacific Northwest presses dam removal on Inslee, Biden, Congress

“Senator Murray: Breach This Dam” Thursday night light projection by Nimiipuu Nez Perce Tribal Members on Lower Snake

Advocacy Update: Vetoes, Statements, and Letters – Oh My!

Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians’ Salmon and River Restoration Resolution

Rare Congressional Opportunity, if Missed Now, Will Be Dishonor to Northwest

Columbia Basin Tribes Urge Congress To Make Historic Investment In Northwest Infrastructure

Crafting a solution to move us all forward

Yakama Nation to Emhoff: Breach dams on Snake River

Letter from Tribal Leaders: Breach the lower Snake River dams

Rep. Simpson’s bold vision to restore salmon runs

Saving Salmon and Repairing the World

ACT NOW: A bold new vision for salmon and communities

Treaty rights demand bold action to save salmon

Time to fix broken rivers

Salmon Event Recordings

Press Release: 6th District Support for Salmon

Goings-On at Earth Ministry Summer 2020

Environmental groups question why important decisions are moving forward as public is distracted with COVID-19 closures

Event seeks to create a better future for lower Snake River

Calling All Idahoans: Help Protect Wild Salmon

Help protect salmon and the Snake River

Free the Snake Floatilla