Last week, our hearts broke with news that after efforts to bring Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut home to the Salish Sea, she unexpectedly passed away at the Miami Seaquarium on Friday, August 18th. We grieve with the Lummi Nation, who count her as family, and our partners at Sacred Sea, who worked tirelessly to bring her home. Sacred Sea is a non-profit led by members of Lummi Nation committed to protecting the life, sacred sites, and cultures of the Salish Sea.
Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Tokitae / Lolita) was taken from the Salish Sea in 1970, during a season before laws prevented resident orcas from being hunted and transported away from their home waters. Out of 50 orcas removed for aquariums, she was the sole remaining Salish Sea orca living in captivity. The news of her death is particularly painful, since in March 2023 agreements planning to return her to her home waters and retire with her family had begun moving forward.
This Sunday, Lummi Nation, Se’ Si’ Le’, the House of Tears Carvers, and the Port of Friday Harbor will join together in ceremony to celebrate Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut’s life. This noon to 3pm event will be open to the public, hosted on Jackson Beach, San Juan Island. Parking is limited, so please walk onto the ferry if you are able. There will be shuttles from the ferry terminal to Jackson Beach.

Whether you are able to join in body or spirit, please join in holding Lummi Nation and all who were touched by Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut’s life tenderly in the coming days and weeks.
May we continue to work for a world where all our relations are free to live and thrive, where hazardous living conditions are not accepted as justifiable costs for our own comfort, and the living world is not sacrificed for our own enjoyment. May the memory and spirit of Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaunt, and all those who have passed on, be a blessing to us and those to come. May her spirit help us to continue journeying towards healing.