PSE requests rate increases to pay for Tacoma LNG

The title of Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE’s) ethics webpage states that “we do what is right.” Yet it is simply wrong that this investor-owned utility is proposing a rate increase that is unprecedented in its scope and scale. In a recent notice to its customers, PSE says it wants to raise residential electric rates by more than 20% during the next three years, and residential gas rates by almost 17%.  One of the reasons given for these proposed increases is to recoup costs from “capital and operating investments made on behalf of customers,” which includes the unethical Tacoma LNG facility. 
For many years, the Earth Ministry/WAIPL community has advocated against PSE’s Tacoma LNG facility in solidarity with the Puyallup Tribe who oppose the project due to its violation of their treaty rights – learn more here. While the Tribe and several environmental groups continue to fight the project’s clean air permit in court, PSE now wants to recover costs associated with Tacoma LNG’s construction.  

We know that #FrackedGasIsNotFaithful. Significantly raising energy bills for Washingtonians to pay for more fossil fuel infrastructure does not embody care for our communities, benefit our shared air and waters, or bring us towards a more just future. Adding insult to injury, nearly all of the gas used by the Tacoma LNG facility will NOT benefit PSE customers and will instead fuel TOTE Maritime’s ships. 
The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) is reviewing these proposed rate changes and we’re joining with community partners and the Attorney General to shout out a resounding NO! Please join us by Submitting your written comment to the UTC by September 28!
In addition, the UTC is holding a public hearing on Zoom Wednesday, September 28 starting at 6pm. Please email if you’d like to testify – I’m always happy to help support faith community members. 
For more information about PSE’s proposed rate increases, read this letter from the Washington Clean Energy Coalition, which Earth Ministry/WAIPL has signed. 
Thanks for your faithful advocacy, and don’t forget to submit your comment!