Petition to WA State Legislators: Stop Salmon Extinction

Restoring the Lower Snake River is the cornerstone of a regional salmon recovery strategy. By taking action during the 2023 legislative session, WA State can help lead this holistic effort which has the potential for far reaching impacts including the recovery of endangered salmon and steelhead, investment in transportation, agriculture, and clean energy infrastructure. It also addresses decades-long salmon recovery litigation, honors promises to Tribal Nations, feeds hungry orcas, and enhances economic opportunities for every corner of our state – farmers and fishermen, Tribes, and local communities included. 

As people of faith, we care and prioritize that all communities who rely on the Snake River are made whole. In order to do this on a timeline that avoids Snake River salmon extinction, we must fund key budget priorities this legislative session. 

Join Earth Ministry/WAIPL and our coalition partners in the NW Salmon Restoration Campaign in signing our petition asking WA State Legislators to ensure that several crucial salmon recovery budget items are funded this year. Please also share with your faith community; anyone in WA can sign through March 30!

Click here to sign the petition