Past MNCJ Events

February 2023: Faithful Legislative Advocacy

Click the image below to see the Zoom recording for this event.

Link to MNCJ Legislative Priorities slides

Link to AC Churchill’s Earth Ministry/WAIPL Legislative Priorities slides

March 2022: The Practice of Loving Water

Click the image below to see the Zoom recording for this event.

January 2022 General Meeting Recording

Click the image below to see the Zoom recording for this event.

October 2021 General Meeting Recording

Click the image below to see the Zoom recording for this event.

June 2021 General Meeting Recording

Click on the image below to see the Zoom recording for this meeting.

April 2021 General Meeting

Our Zoom recording of the excellent presentation made by Claudia Lifton of the Factory Farm Awareness Coalition failed. Claudia was filling in for Katie Cantrell. The presentation made by Katie in the YouTube video linked here covers much of the same ground as Claudia’s. It regretfully misses the Q&A that Claudia handled so well for our group.

February 2021 General Meeting Recording

Click on the image below to see the Zoom recording for this meeting (coming soon).

October 2020 Meeting

February 2020 Meeting

Bob Reisenberg of Faith Lutheran Church presented The Psychology of Climate Denial at the February 2020 meeting.

January 2020 – Bellingham Climate Action Task Force Presentation

In 2018 the City Council established the Climate Action Task Force and directed the Task Force to determine the feasibility, costs and impacts of meeting 100% renewable energy ambitions by 2035. The Task Force delivered their report to City Council on Dec 9. The report is organized into four categories of measures (actions); transportation, land use, buildings, and energy. The types of measures include education, regulations, programs, incentives and studies.

The presentation to the Multi-Faith Network for Climate Justice at the January 2020 meeting was well attended. Two key participants in the city’s Climate Task Force explained the group’s process, the structure and content of the report, and the next steps for the Council. The measures were described and explained with a focus on those with significant emission reductions. A discussion of next steps and how to be involved in the public process was followed by a question and answer session.

Clare Fogelsong is Environmental Services Manager for the City of Bellingham and the city’s liaison to the Climate Action Plan Task Force.
David Roberts, President, Kulshan Environmental Services, is the Facilitator for the work of the Climate Action Plan Task Force.

The Climate Action Task Force Final Recommendations can be viewed here.

October 2022: Cultivating Placefulness

Click the image below to see the Zoom recording for this event.

February 2022: Befriending Our Climate Grief

This session was not recorded.

November 2021 General Meeting Recording

Click the image below to see the Zoom recording for this event.

September 2021: Greening with Integrity (part of Bellingham’s All-In Climate Action Week)

Click the image below to see the Zoom recording for this event.

May 2021 Totem Pole Journey Event

MNCJ helped organize and support the Bellingham stop of the Lummi Nation House of Tears Carvers, including an interfaith blessing.

March 2021 General Meeting Recording

Click on the image below to see the Zoom recording for this meeting.

November 2020 Meeting Recording

Click here or on the image below to view the Zoom recording of the meeting.

January 2021 General Meeting Recording

Click here or on the image below to view the Zoom recording of the meeting.

Note: The recording was not started at the beginning of Jessica Zimmerle’s presentation. We join her as she is presenting suggestions on how to approach conversations with your state representatives about legislation you are concerned about.

September 2020 All-In Bellingham Climate Action Week MNCJ Sponsored Events

Click each image below to open a Zoom recording of the respective event.

2040 – the movie that inspires hope, not despair

September 2019 – Celebrating Earth, Our Common Home

In September 2019 the Multifaith Network for Climate Justice hosted a meeting with presentations from several Bellingham faith communities.