Multifaith Network for Climate Justice: An Affiliate of Earth Ministry

Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light has joyously welcomed the Bellingham Multifaith Network for Climate Justice as our first official affiliate!

The Bellingham Multifaith Network for Climate Justice (MNCJ) was formed in 2019 when clergy and leaders of faith/wisdom communities in the greater Bellingham area came together to create a network to share creation care and climate justice activities and news. Members of MNCJ share a vision of a just and compassionate world with a healthy Web of Life. Steps taken toward this vision align with the MNCJ mission statement: “Rooted in our spiritual and moral responsibility to protect the Earth, our common home, we engage the faith and wisdom traditions to respond to the many environmental and social impacts of the climate crises.”

Acknowledging that we are stronger together, the leadership of MNCJ and Earth Ministry have resolved to work together toward our shared goal of a more just and sustainable future. To formalize our partnership, we entered into a covenant together in February 2021. Our covenant outlines how we will relate regarding branding, meetings and events, leadership, communications, and funding.

Our partnership will continue to develop and grow and we look forward to sharing more information as we live into our covenant together. If you live in the Bellingham area and would like to get involved with MNCJ, please email and we will connect you.

Members of the Earth Ministry Board and Staff joined the February MNCJ meeting for a ceremony to sign our covenant. Signatures of participants, shared here, display our mutual affirmation of entering into our covenant.