New Legislative Action Alert Emails

Legislative Session moves fast, and it can be so complicated navigating the process. Digging through the state’s website, keeping up to date with bill progress, and figuring out how to get involved can be confusing and a big time commitment! That’s why Earth Ministry/WAIPL has created a new tool to help you stay in the loop in the ever-changing landscape of the legislative process.   

Our new legislative action alerts are an opt-in option for those of you who want to be more involved in supporting our bills for environmental justice. We’ll send those who sign up short emails at least once a week with bill updates and timely action opportunities like when to sign in for a hearing or contact your legislator. Sign up here to be added to the distribution list for these legislative advocacy action alerts. 

We’ve also been building out Earth Ministry/WAIPL’s 2022 legislative session webpage. You can find more information there about our three top priority bills as well as the supplemental list of legislation we’re supporting. We’ll be continuously updating this page as bills start to move and we receive more materials from coalition partners. Our legislative webpage also includes links and straightforward instructions to highlight opportunities for you to take action. 

If this level of engagement isn’t for you, no worries! Earth Ministry/WAIPL will still send out community-wide emails with information about key actions needed at strategic points in the legislative process.  

We look forward to sharing these action alerts with you and working together to bring a strong (virtual) faith presence to Olympia!