While we know there is much on your minds and hearts these days, many of you have written to Earth Ministry/WAIPL asking about activities for Earth Day. It fills us with joy to know that you are continuing to take action to love one another, care for creation, and advocate for environmental justice. If Earth Day is totally off your radar, that’s ok too! We’re all doing what we can to find grounding in this time.
Our celebrations will be different than originally intended, but new plans for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day are falling into place. Join us and our partners for one or more of the opportunities offered below.
As our project for Earth Day Northwest 2020, Earth Ministry/WAIPL is hard at work finalizing a new toolkit to be released on Earth Day. We’re excited to share this new resource to accompany our Greening Congregations Toolkit – it will have more detailed resources to help your faith community deepen your greening efforts in the year to come. We’re also working with local faith leaders on an Earth Day video message. Stay tuned!
Earth Ministry/WAIPL’s Earth Day Gatherings
Wednesday, April 22
Coffee Hour: 9:30-10:30am PST
Happy Hour: 5:30-6:30pm PST
Register Here
Since we can’t gather in person as we normally would, we are inviting Earth Ministry/WAIPL Colleagues and others in the faith community to come together for a Zoom coffee hour or afternoon happy hour. Join virtually for a casual conversation to check in, share what’s happening with your congregation, and reflect on how we can carry the message of Earth Day moving forward. Staff will also briefly share about the release of our new action toolkit. BYOB and see you online!
Earth Day Climate Strikes
Online, April 22-24
The US Climate Strike has moved online for 3 days of livestream: April 22 focuses on amplifying Indigenous and youth voices, April 23 is about divestment, and April 24 looks at political engagement. The WA Youth Climate Strike is offering more local options on each of these days.
Faith Call to Climate Justice
Online, April 22-24
The Faith Constituency Working Group of the national Earth Day Climate Strike is coordinating a Faith Call to Climate Justice series of online offerings. Events are still being finalized and will be posted here, including an offering by Earth Ministry/WAIPL.
Earth Day Northwest
Earth Ministry/WAIPL is part of the Earth Day Northwest 2020 movement, which shares a long-term commitment to prioritizing equity and inclusion, preserving the natural environment, and ensuring healthy built communities. Earth Day NW 2020 will be launching a social media campaign called Voices Carry as well as sharing virtual events.
#SoundTheCall with Hazon
April 22, 9amPST/12pm EST
Hazon is calling the Jewish community around the world to blow the shofar at noon on Earth Day as a call to action. The shofar signifies a moment of change, a new wave of hope, a call to action, and strength in the face of adversity. People from other faith traditions are invited to join in by doing whatever is appropriate for your tradition, perhaps publicly ringing bells or singing. Learn more here, where you can also sign on to an environmental justice action for the next COVID-19 stimulus package.
Online Multi-faith Earth Day Service
Sunday, April 19, 11am PST/2pm EST
Washington National Cathedral and Interfaith Power & Light are co-hosting this online service focused on our shared call to climate action. All are welcome to join in prayer and song in honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day at cathedral.org/event/multi-faith-earth-day-service/.
IPL Cool Congregations Calculator Webinar
Thursday, April 30, 12pm PST/3pm EST
Earth Ministry/WAIPL is happy to co-sponsor this webinar about a new resource from national Interfaith Power & Light. This new Cool Congregations Calculators will help measure the footprint of your congregational facilities and your own household. Click here to register.