Fall 2018 Earth Letter

Are you planning to vote in this fall’s election? No really, are you? Are your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, and members of your congregation going to make the trip to the polls or put a stamp on a mail-in ballot? Forgive me if you think it’s forward of me to ask. We tend to shy away from such questions, even though voting is one of the most important ways we as citizens can engage in our democracy. Voting is an opportunity to make our voices heard, a chance to put our values into action for the common good. It’s an invitation to say “this is what is important to me” in the life of our country, state, county, city, or school district.

Articles include:

  • Receiving Grace, Practicing Democracy by Jessie Dye,  Earth Ministry’s Senior Campaign Strategist
  • Voting Our Values by LeeAnne Beres, Earth Ministry’s Executive Director
  • Washington Wants Clean Air – Yes on I-1631 by Leda Zakarison, Earth Ministry’s Climate
    Field Organizer
  • Raise Your Voice by Rev. Traci Blackmon
  • A Prayer for Election Season
  • Jewish Perspectives on Civic Engagement by The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
  • Why I’m Hopeful about the Next Generation of Voters by Lauren Stock
  • Three Climate Messages That Win by Anna Fahey
  • Hurricane Harvey 1 Year Later by Tarika Powell

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