Fall 2017 Earth Letter

Earth Letter Fall 2017 cover

Resilience is a word we’ve been hearing a lot lately, but what is it, really? Most experts agree that resilience is the psychological capacity to adapt well to stressful circumstances and difficult experiences. Given the daily threats to the health of our communities and safety of our neighbors, we could all use a little more resiliency right about now. The good news is that research has shown that we all have the capacity to be resilient. We can bolster our resilience through certain intentional behaviors and thoughts. Building strong connections and community, being open to new ideas and new ways of doing things, finding a sense of purpose in your life, developing a meaningful spiritual practice, and focusing on hope — all these things build resilience. We hope that this edition of Earth Letter will provide you with more ways to increase your resilience as you care deeply for God’s creation and our communities. 

Articles include:

  • Letter to a Young Activist During Troubled Times – Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
  • Spirit Strength – Rev. Terry Teigen
  • What Life-Giving Practices Fuel Your Soul? – Earth Ministry Staff
  • Keeping Our Lamps Burning: Faith in a Time of Climate Peril – Shantha Ready Alonso, Rev. Scott Hardin-Nieri, and Rev. Dr. Brooks Berndt
  • Youthful Overcoming Woman – Jessie Dye
  • Joy Dance in the Garden – Marlena Nip
  • A Movement Moment for the Climate – Rep. Pramila Jayapal 

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