Earth Ministry/WAIPL is happy to be co-sponsoring the Eastern WA Legislative Conference in Spokane again this winter!
The 2023 Eastern Washington Legislative Conference will feature Gen Heywood, pastor of Veradale United Church of Christ (UCC) and convener for Faith Leaders and Leaders of Conscience (FLLC), as the keynote speaker, addressing the theme, “Caring for Our Common Earth Now and Forever.”
It is from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday Jan. 21, at Spokane Valley United Methodist Church, 115 N. Raymond, and online.
Gen will share insights from her participation in the 11th World Council of Churches Assembly held in September in Karlsruhe, Germany, at which representatives from churches, faiths and no faiths gathered to reflect on issues facing the faith communities around the world.

There will be three plenary sessions and one workshop session. The plenaries include “Legislative Briefings by Advocates in Olympia,” “Housing Is a Human Right,” and “Indigenous Voices on Environmental Justice.”
The briefings will be presented by Kristin Ang, policy engagement director of the Faith Action Network of Washington, Donna Christensen and/or Mario Villenueva of the Washington State Catholic Conference, and Jessica Zimmerle of Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power and Light.
Workshops will address welcoming refugees at Thrive International, racial justice issues with representatives of Spokane Community Against Racism and the NAACP Spokane, food security with Food Lifeline, and “Faithful Advocacy,” led with Earth Ministry/WAIPL.
Registration costs are $32 in person with lunch or $25/person for a group of five or more. Online registration is $20 or $15/person in a group of five+. There are scholarships. The Fig Tree seeks sponsors and organizations to present displays.
For information, call 535-4112, email or register at or at