“Diversity in Common Cause”: Earth Ministry/WAIPL on Earthkeepers Podcast

Earth Ministry/WAIPL is happy to have joined the Earthkeepers podcast for a conversation about our multifaith organizing for environmental justice!  

Advocacy Director, Jessica Zimmerle, spoke with the Earthkeepers host, Forrest Inslee, for a conversation full of stories. Take a listen to hear Jessica and Forrest discuss the unique contributions of people of all faiths within the environmental justice movement and how the Earth Ministry/WAIPL community is working together toward our shared vision of a just and sustainable future.  

The episode is called “Diversity in Common Cause.” We’re grateful that Earthkeepers noticed and named that Earth Ministry/WAIPL works “to create conversation and collaboration that doesn’t ignore cultural and ideological differences; instead, they place a high value on diversity that brings new perspective and broadens understanding.” You can listen to and download the episode here.

The Earthkeepers Podcast promotes global connection among ecological-minded people who believe that earth care is an integral part of spiritual life. Through conversations about topics like ecology, climate change, gardening, farming, social enterprise, theology, environmental justice, outdoor recreation, conservation and community development, they aim to inspire a movement of ordinary earthkeepers who will help heal the world. You can find and listen to all episodes here, or on podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts.