Welcome to Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light’s new monthly newsletter! Sign up here to receive our newsletters in your inbox.
As you know, Earth Ministry/WAIPL deeply values faith in action. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to speak out as a faithful advocate for climate justice and environmental stewardship. Together, our actions make a real difference for communities and creation.
This new email will provide opportunities for strategic action and keep you up-to-date with the latest from Earth Ministry/WAIPL. We’ll also share success stories in our community spotlight section, so if your congregation has something to share please send it to me! You can look for this newsletter to arrive monthly moving forward, alternating with Earth Ministry’s Events Digest.
We are always grateful for your deep commitment to creation care and climate justice! Stay safe and take good care of one another over these slower summer months.
Be well,
Jessica Zimmerle (she/her)
Program and Outreach Director
Action Opportunities
National Action: Equitable COVID-19 Relief
We are continuing to ask Congress to enact our values and pass ongoing COVID-19 relief and stimulus packages that will:
- Prioritize relief for workers, the unemployed, and underemployed
- End financial bailouts for the fossil fuel industry
- Implement a nationwide moratorium on utility shut-offs
- Care for vulnerable and disproportionately impacted communities
- Invest in clean energy, jobs, and a just transition
- Protect our democratic process
Local Action: 6th Congressional District Letter for Salmon & Communities
This action is for all people of faith in the 6th Congressional District of Washington State that includes the Olympic Peninsula south to Grays Harbor and east to the Kitsap Peninsula, Gig Harbor, and the majority of Tacoma – check your district here.
The Congressman from Washington’s 6th district, US Representative Derek Kilmer, recently released a statement on restoring the Lower Snake River. He says that he supports actions “based on sound science and on consensus recommendations from impacted stakeholders.” Join your voice with other people of faith from the 6th Congressional District to ask Rep. Kilmer to bring these words to life with strong leadership that encourages collaborative solutions. Click here to sign on to Earth Ministry’s letter to Rep. Kilmer today!
Coming Up
Vote Your Values
One way we can put our faith into action is by speaking up for a democracy that represents all people and reflects our values. To encourage participation in this fall’s election, Earth Ministry/WAIPL is putting together information on voter registration and voting by mail. You can look for that resource next month, along with suggestions for how to share it with your congregation and network.
Community Spotlight
Connecting Net Zero Carbon Congregations
Is your house of worship thinking about reducing its carbon footprint? First Congregational UCC in Bellevue, WA is looking at a path toward net zero carbon for their facility and would like to connect with other Earth Ministry congregations doing likewise. If you have experience in this area that you can share or are interested in exploring it with others, please contact jessica@earthministry.org.
Other News

A Fossil Fuel Free Future
This week started with the joyful news that the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (WV, VA, NC) was canceled, a federal judge ordered the Dakota Access Pipeline emptied until a new Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is completed, and the Keystone XL pipeline was dealt a major blow in a ruling by the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, the Canadian Supreme Court rejected an appeal by several British Columbia First Nations on the government approval of the Trans Mountain Pipeline. As a member of the Stand Up to Oil coalition, Earth Ministry/WAIPL will continue to show stateside support for First Nations’ efforts to halt this dirty and dangerous pipeline.
Learn more
New Logo and Strategic Plan
The Earth Ministry board approved a new 2020-2025 strategic plan that sets out an exciting and ambitious vision for the future. A significant component of our path forward involves formally transitioning from an organization based in the Christian tradition to one that is fully multifaith, which includes rebranding with a more inclusive logo.
Explore our vision
Earth Ministry’s Black Lives Matter Statement
As people of faith, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves and to put our faith into action for justice. So let us be clear: Black Lives Matter. Earth Ministry/WAIPL unequivocally condemns racism, police brutality, and state-sanctioned violence against Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and other people of color.
Read the statement
Multifaith Perspectives on Earth Day
Since we couldn’t gather in person on Earth Day, Earth Ministry/WAIPL partnered with religious leaders from a diversity of faith traditions to share messages of faith in action – for Earth Day and every day.
Watch the video
Community Photos
Thank you to everyone who has sent us photos of creation, caring, and community to share on Earth Ministry’s Facebook and Instagram these past few months! Send your photos to emoffice@earthministry.org and click the button below to see some of the submissions.
See the photos