Earth Day 2020 Video: Multifaith Perspectives

50 years ago, the first Earth Day became the largest demonstration in United States history. Now, Earth Day is the largest secular observance in the world – over one billion people will participate in celebration and action for Earth today!

For those of us in the faith community, Earth Day has gone beyond its secular roots to become a truly multifaith event. All major faith traditions have a statement on caring for creation. Today and every day, spiritual communities across the globe are bringing those statements to life.

Earth Day illuminates the commonalities of our guiding principles, such as good stewardship, justice for all, and a healthy future. It also highlights the importance of diversity. Our celebrations all look different, mirroring how healing the Earth will require a plurality of responses, united in intent while also unique in expression.

View a video message from Earth Ministry/WAIPL and our partners!

In addition to being the 50th anniversary, this year’s Earth Day is a milestone given its context. We  are taking time to celebrate and act within a backdrop of a global health crisis. While mindful not to minimize the severity of COVID-19, we are becoming more aware of the many parallels it shares with the climate crisis. We are experiencing a new level of solidarity as we face this unifying challenge, which will be important to carry forward.

Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light is honored to celebrate this Earth Day with you and people of all faiths around the world. Thank you for the many ways you act on our moral obligation to care for creation and work for environmental justice.

Since we cannot gather in person, Earth Ministry/WAIPL has partnered with faith leaders from a variety of traditions to gather their messages of faith in action this Earth Day. We hope you enjoy this 15 minute video that includes leaders from local Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Unitarian Universalist communities.