Celebrating Legislative Wins

We know that much is weighing on your heart and mind in these days filled with public health precautions. We continue to hold in our prayers those who are sick or at high risk, our health care responders, everyone at home feeling anxious, and our entire community feeling the weight of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the faith community, we pray and continue to respond with love and care for our neighbors, a spiritual practice so needed in these uncertain times.

At Earth Ministry, we also continue to look outward toward the health and wellbeing of all creation. Today marks the last day of the Washington State Legislative Session, and we invite you to pause and celebrate the strong environmental bills we have passed together.

Bills that Passed!

•  The Climate Pollution Limits Act (HB 2311) will update the state’s greenhouse gas limits to reflect current science and lay groundwork to reach net zero carbon emissions and beyond.

• The Safer Firefighting Foam Act (HB 2265) will remove exemptions for oil refineries and chemical plants previously in Washington’s first-in-the-nation-ban of firefighting foam containing toxic PFAS chemicals.

• The Reusable Bag Act (SB 5323) will eliminate thin carry-home plastic bags at all retail establishments to help Washington address a growing recycling crisis.

2020 was a short legislative session, bills only had 8 weeks to move through many hoops! These bills got stalled along the way:

• Clean Fuels Now (HB 1110) would reduce pollution of transportation fuels. While we are disappointed that this top priority did not pass, we will plan to pick up this important policy for climate justice as part of a transportation package in the longer session next year.

• Clean Air Act Update (HB 2898/SB 6628) would enable regulation of greenhouse gas emissions associated with fossil fuel sellers and distributors.

• Healthy Habitat/Healthy Orcas (HB 2550) would set a new standard, net ecological gain, to protect and restore orca habitat.
*While HB 2550 did not pass this year, language in the House budget will fund a study on net ecological gain to consider applying it to state environmental laws. This is an important step forward and lays groundwork to hopefully pass HB 2550 next year.

Click here to see more information about all of the bills that Earth Ministry supported this session.

Thank you for putting your faith in action with Earth Ministry to advocate for strong environmental protections this year. The 3 bills we passed will make a difference by protecting one another and cleaning Earth’s air and water. We couldn’t have done it without you!