Congratulations to our 2023 Congregational Award Recipients!

Congratulations to our 2023 Congregational Award Recipients!
A D’var Torah by Rabbi Josh Weisman for Parshat Bamidbar, originally published on T'ruah: the rabbinic call for human rights' website.
A sermon by Jessica Zimmerle, preached at Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry, Thursday April 25, 2019. Text: John 20: 19-31 For many of us, this may have felt like a long couple of weeks. One of my Facebook friends…
Earth Ministry was proud to host author and international speaker John de Graaf for our 20th annual Celebration of St. Francis. John, co-author of Affluenza and What’s the Economy For, Anyway?, made the case that Americans work too much and…
Read More Take Back Your Time: Celebration of St. Francis with John De Graaf
by Rev. Paul Graves, Sandpoint, ID
by William Scarvie, Bainbridge Island, WA
by Dr. Gil Waldkoenig, Gettysburg
Winner of the People's Choice Award
by Rev. Stephanie Johnson, New Haven, CT
Winner of the Franciscan Philanthropist Award
by Tanya Marcovna Barnett
Text: John 20:19-31
Focusing on the question, where is hope, this sermon turns to the resurrection of Jesus for answers.
by Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, Northampton, MA
by Rev. Doug Bland, Tempe, AZ
by Minister S. Emmanuel Epps, Brooklyn, NY
Winner of the People's Choice Award
by Rev. John Helmiere, Seattle, WA
Winner of the Franciscan Philanthropist Award
by Rev. Dr. Henry Langknecht
Text: John 20:19-31
Asks the question, "How much did Thomas see before he believed?" If Jesus scars are humanity's and the earth's scars too, then God's mission in the universe extends forgiveness, reconciliation, and wholeness to all of creation.
by Rev. Anne Hall, Seattle, WA
Winner of the People's Choice Award
Text: John 3:14-21
Calls for action to end climate change by examining the world's state in light of the most popular verse in the Bible, "For God so loved the world."