Staying Awake

by Rev. Mary Brown Prompted by worldwide concerns of climate change and environmental destruction we are called to awake and remember our interconnectedness with all of creation.

Renewing the Earth Community

by Annette Andrews-Lux
Calling us back to a sense of inter-dependence, we must open our hearts to a deep transformation of our sense of community so that we can no longer see Earth as resource but rather as part of our sacred community.

A Matter of Hope

By Rev. Peter S. Sawtell, Executive Director, Eco-Justice Ministries Texts: Jeremiah 17:12-18 and 1 Peter 1:13-21 INTRODUCTION If you can, I want you to think back about 20 years.  It was the start of the Reagan era, and many changes…

The Family of All Creation

by Tanya Marcovna Barnett
Texts: Psalm 148, Colossians 1:17, and Romans 1:20
This contemporary reflection on Psalm 148, in which the entire creation sings praise to God. In keeping with the image of a creation-encompassing "choir," it looks at our role in this choir and asks that (in the words of St. Basil the Great), "may we realize that all creatures live not for us alone but for themselves and for Thee, and that they love the sweetness of life.”

Christ in All Things

by Rev. Nancy G. Wright
Text: Colossians 1:15-20
Explores the belief that God, in Christ, is holding the world together. This belief teaches us several things about how we are to live in relationship with God and with the rest of creation.

An Earth Day Sermon

by Steven Whitney
Texts: Genesis 2:15, 9:8-11 and Job 12:10, 38:1-7
Looks at creation "as a manifestation of God in our midst." This sermon serves as an example of one person's look at the role of humanity within this broader creation.

In Love with All Creation

by Rev. Rodney Romeny
Texts: Genesis 1:24-31, Deuteronomy 33:13-16, John 3:16; and Revelation 21:1-5, 22:1-5
A personal reflection for "Earth Sunday" 1995, which also happened to be Mothers' Day. This sermon serves as a good introduction to addressing the question "why should people of faith care about creation?"