Earth Ministry's Self-Sustaining Advent Calendar 2013 EarthCare Online: A list of Resources for a Peaceful Advent and Christmas New York IPL: Advent Liturgy Georgia IPL: "Preparing for a New Light: Caring for God's Creation During Advent" Web of Creation: Praying…
Category: Resource
Did Francis Have a Weed Whacker?
by Rev. Paul Graves, Sandpoint, ID
Changing Forms of Light
by William Scarvie, Bainbridge Island, WA
Margins and Hope
by Dr. Gil Waldkoenig, Gettysburg Winner of the People's Choice Award
by Rev. Stephanie Johnson, New Haven, CT Winner of the Franciscan Philanthropist Award
Touching the Resurrected Christ
by Tanya Marcovna Barnett Text: John 20:19-31 Focusing on the question, where is hope, this sermon turns to the resurrection of Jesus for answers.
When a Leaf Needs to Speak
by Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, Northampton, MA
Grappling Green
by Rev. Doug Bland, Tempe, AZ
Earth’s Answer to a Curious Journey
by Minister S. Emmanuel Epps, Brooklyn, NY Winner of the People's Choice Award
I Worship the Author of the Horrendous Space Kablooie
by Rev. John Helmiere, Seattle, WA Winner of the Franciscan Philanthropist Award
Christ the Hope of All Creation…and Humans, Too
by Rev. Dr. Henry Langknecht Text: John 20:19-31 Asks the question, "How much did Thomas see before he believed?" If Jesus scars are humanity's and the earth's scars too, then God's mission in the universe extends forgiveness, reconciliation, and wholeness to all of creation.
Keepers of God’s Beloved World
by Rev. Anne Hall, Seattle, WA Winner of the People's Choice Award Text: John 3:14-21 Calls for action to end climate change by examining the world's state in light of the most popular verse in the Bible, "For God so loved the world."
May St. Francis Speak to Us Anew
by Jeanie Graustein, New Haven, CT Explores the values and prayers of St. Francis in light of contemporary scientific understanding.
The Irresistible Sustainable Future
by Elizabeth Freese, Austin Texas Winner of the Franciscan Philanthropist Award Text: Psalm 118 and Palm Sunday Gospel Compares the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly to today's economic and social changes and the certainty and hope of God's Kindom coming through Jesus' death and resurrection.
Nature as “The New Poor”
Birth of John the Baptist by Paul A Magnano Pastor, St. Therese Parish, Seattle I want to focus my homily on John the Baptist and on baptism. First, John the Baptist. The prophecy of his father is particularly pertinent: "You,…