Cast Your Vote, Washington!

Cast Your Vote, Washington is about ACTIVELY CHOOSING how we will work, live, play, and pray and be in relationship with the land.

2024 Multifaith Programming

In response, we are planning a new thing for 2024. We will be dividing the year into four seasons of programming. These new program offerings will enrich the work we are already doing and provide opportunities for new community engagement.

Community Resources

Programming Wake Up World: A Curriculum on the Climate Crisis for Faith & Community Groups Haller Lake UMC Sermons from the Archive Creation Justice Ministries Green Muslims Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) Educational Resources Kavana Racial Justice…

Inflation Reduction Act

In August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law and included the greatest investment in climate care provisions in history. The IRA puts the United States on the path to cutting greenhouse gas net emissions by up to 44% by 2023. Most notable for our community – nonprofits, including houses of worship, will also have access to these funds to finance projects for wind and solar, EVs, efficiency upgrades, heat pumps, and much more for nonprofits.

Inflation Reduction Act

In August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law and included the greatest investment in climate care provisions in history. The IRA puts the United States on the path to cutting greenhouse gas net emissions by up to 44% by 2023. Most notable for our community - nonprofits, including houses of worship, will also have access to these funds to finance projects for wind and solar, EVs, efficiency upgrades, heat pumps, and much more for nonprofits.