Earth Ministry spent Valentine’s Day in Olympia asking our state senators to have a heart for children’s health by supporting the Toxic Free Kids and Families Act (ESHB 1294).
Category: Toxics News

Putting Faith into Action at the State Capitol
Throughout the session, Earth Ministry/WAIPL members participated in multiple Capitol Drop-in Days, in which we spoke with legislators and their aides about our environmental priorities from a faith perspective.

Speaking up for children’s health
Earth Ministry and the Washington State Nurses Association recently organized constituent meetings with US Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell. These meetings brought together religious leaders and health professionals in support of strong federal legislation regarding toxic chemicals.
Earth Ministry’s 2014 Legislative Priorities
The 2014 legislative session has begun, and we at Earth Ministry/ Washington Interfaith Power & Light are making sure the faith community has a voice in the important environmental issues our state is dealing with this session. Read on to learn more about our priorities and, most importantly, how you can join us to lend your voice, including coming with us to Olympia!
Deepening connections in Eastern Washington
Faith communities in the dry eastern half of Washington State have unique insights about preserving watersheds, agricultural lands, clean air, and safe chemicals. On recent trips, Earth Ministry/WAIPL staff have been warmly received in Richland, Walla Walla, Ritzville, and Pullman.