Spirit of the Waters Totem Pole Journey Recap

The focus of the Spirit of the Waters Totem Pole Journey was to uplift the Indigenous-led movement to honor the spirit of a free-flowing Lower Snake River and restore the health of salmon and orca. Witnessing these events was a beautiful experience in which we heard Native speakers share passionately about their connection to the land, water, air, and of course the salmon.

The Snake River to Salish Sea Spirit of the Waters Totem Pole Journey

The faith community has been asked to show up in solidarity with Lummi tribal members, the House of Tears Carvers, intertribal nonprofit Se’Si’Le, and Native communities across the Pacific Northwest to support a Totem Pole Journey uplifting the Indigenous-led movement to remove the Lower Snake River dams and restore the health of salmon and orcas.

Rabbi Seth Goldstein speaks at Stop Salmon Extinction Rally in Olympia

On Saturday, April 2, people gathered in Olympia to show their support for a comprehensive solution to breaching the Lower Snake River dams that will restore salmon populations and invest in communities along the river. We were honored to hear Rabbi Seth Goldstein of Temple Beth Hatfiloh speak about the sacred work that is salmon recovery and how it aligns with the Shmita year.

Thanking Senators for Salmon Funding

Senators Cantwell and Murray and the Northwest delegation recently secured nearly $3 billion in federal funding for imperiled salmon and community investments. In response, Earth Ministry/WAIPL joined with coalition partners to run newspaper ads that thank the senators and ask for their continued leadership in restoring a free-flowing Lower Snake River.

Historic summit of tribes across Pacific Northwest presses dam removal on Inslee, Biden, Congress

In a historic gathering of more than 15 Indian nations, tribal leaders from around the Northwest called for immediate action to save endangered orcas and the salmon they depend on. The call for salmon and orca recovery was joined by U.S. Sen. Patty Murray and Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington, who each stated dam removal on the Lower Snake River, a tributary of the Columbia, must remain on the table and a comprehensive solution quickly reached to save salmon and orcas from extinction.

“Senator Murray: Breach This Dam” Thursday night light projection by Nimiipuu Nez Perce Tribal Members on Lower Snake

As dusk fell Thursday night 6/17 on the Snake River, members of the Nimiipuu Nez Perce tribe gathered at Lower Granite Dam with stories about why a free flowing river is critically important for tribal sovereignty. Their messages were amplified with an illuminated banner that says “Honor Treaties” and spotlights projecting messages to save wild salmon, respect treaty rights, and remove the 4 dams on the Lower Snake.

Advocacy Update: Vetoes, Statements, and Letters – Oh My!

Well, we’re not in Kansas anymore Dorothy! The dust is settling from our spring advocacy efforts – many thanks to all of you who put your faith into action with Earth Ministry / Washington Interfaith Power & Light. Before we all are swept up in summer fun, here’s an update of where things stand with our work for environmental justice in Washington State.

Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians’ Salmon and River Restoration Resolution

Calling on the President of the United States and the 117th Congress to seize the once-in-a-lifetime congressional opportunity to invest in salmon and river restoration in the Pacific Northwest, charting a stronger, better future for the Northwest, and bringing long-ignored tribal justice to our peoples and homelands.

Rare Congressional Opportunity, if Missed Now, Will Be Dishonor to Northwest

Following statements from Washington’s Governor and U.S Senators expressing opposition to Rep. Mike Simpson’s (R-ID) proposal to honor treaty rights and save several species of salmon and steelhead on the verge of extinction, the Nez Perce Tribe immediately expressed disappointment in the notable absence of tangible solutions, recognition of the unique congressional opportunity before the Northwest, or acknowledgment of the dire situation that Columbia and Snake River salmon and steelhead face.

Columbia Basin Tribes Urge Congress To Make Historic Investment In Northwest Infrastructure

This week, representatives from 12 different Northwest Tribes spent two days discussing advancing a salmon and energy proposal from Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) that could make an unprecedented infrastructure investment in the Pacific Northwest to save imperiled salmon runs, protect inland agriculture industries, and transform the region’s energy supply for a renewable future.