This Sunday, Lummi Nation, Se' Si' Le', the House of Tears Carvers, and the Port of Friday Harbor will join together in ceremony to celebrate Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut's life.

This Sunday, Lummi Nation, Se' Si' Le', the House of Tears Carvers, and the Port of Friday Harbor will join together in ceremony to celebrate Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut's life.
Artwork credit: © A. Cyaltsa Finkbonner, 2023 Starting Sept 23rd, 2023, the intertribal nonprofit Se’Si’Le’ will join with coalition partners, including Native Organizers Alliance, Nimíipuu Protecting the Environment, and KHIMSTONIK begin an eight-day journey across Washington, Oregon, and Idaho (September 23 - October 1). The journey starts…
by Mary Stamp from The Fig Tree The five Catholic bishops of Washington State developed and signed, "Caring for Creation and the Common Good in the Lower Snake River Region," this fall, reported Sr. Jessica Zimmerle, advocacy director at Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power and Light (WAIPL)—who supports this project with the intertribal nonprofit Se'Si'Le—and the Washington State Catholic Conference. Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management
Photo credit : Stephen Brashear With the decline of salmon in the Lower Snake River region, the impact on Native people and the call of Pope Francis to care for creation, the state’s bishops have issued a statement urging a holistic plan for the region that “serves the common good.”
Earth Ministry/WAIPL and local faith leaders Rabbi Seth Goldstein and The Rev. John Rosenberg were quoted in this press release about the release of Sen. Patty Murray and Gov. Jay Inslee's report on replacing services provided by the four lower Snake River dams.
The faith community has been asked to show up in solidarity with Lummi tribal members, the House of Tears Carvers, intertribal nonprofit Se’Si’Le, and Native communities across the Pacific Northwest to support a Totem Pole Journey uplifting the Indigenous-led movement to remove the Lower Snake River dams and restore the health of salmon and orcas.
People of faith have been in a prayerful stance of solidarity supporting the Puyallup Tribe and co-litigants' appeal of PSE's immoral project. We are incredibly disappointed that the PCHB failed to make the right decision to uphold the Tribe’s request for further review of this dirty and dangerous fracked gas facility.
On August 25, the Tacoma City Council IPS Committee is holding a meeting for government-to-government feedback from the Puyallup Tribe on the non-interim regulations process. In the lead up to the meeting, Earth Ministry/WAIPL is asking people of faith to send a message to the IPS Committee asking them to listen to the Puyallup Tribe and incorporate their requests. Photo credit: Tender Young Pony of Insomnia
While we know that any response to the horrible news of unmarked mass graves at Residential Schools in Canada is inadequate, we also know that our lament must lead to action. We recognize that, though these atrocities are making headlines and receiving the attention of the world now, tribal communities have been testifying for years to the truth of forced removal, assimilation, abuse, and death perpetrated through boarding schools.
A D’var Torah by Rabbi Josh Weisman for Parshat Bamidbar, originally published on T'ruah: the rabbinic call for human rights' website.
Earth Ministry/WAIPL's Program & Outreach Director Jessica Zimmerle spoke at a March 24 Zoom press conference hosted by the Power Past Fracked Gas Coalition and Earthjustice. The Puyallup Tribe of Indians and several environmental organizations have appealed Tacoma LNG's clean air permit and appeal hearings begin Monday, April 12.
This article originally published in the Catholic Sentinel is on the lasting impact of the 2001 "The Columbia River Watershed: Caring for Creation and the Common Good."