Category: Multifaith Community Support

Federal Clean Energy Tax Credit Assistance Program (CETCAP)
Helping sacred communities take advantage of the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

Autumn 2024: Season of Harvest
Gathering around wisdom, resources, and food!

Electrify Your Church, Business, or Non-profit with Solar Panels: Insights on Best Practices for Solar Installation and Financing Survey
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Ambriel and Provisioner
We get curious. We ask questions. We act.

Summer 2024: Season of Energy
From big projects like solar, to small scale, accessible, home DIY efficiency project we want to nourish our communities desire to change during our Season of Energy!

Sacred Curiosity: Community Recommendations for Inspiration
Here you will find recommendations of podcasts, books, films, and videos Earth Ministry/WA IPL community members have shared with us. Enjoy!

2024 Multifaith Programming
In response, we are planning a new thing for 2024. We will be dividing the year into four seasons of programming. These new program offerings will enrich the work we are already doing and provide opportunities for new community engagement.

Spring 2024: Season of Hope
Season of Hope: finding ways to embrace practices of mindfulness and communication to build resiliency in the face of climate change.

Earth Letter Returns!
Read the 30th Anniversary Edition Now

Inaugural Greening Congregation Awards
Congratulations to our 2023 Congregational Award Recipients!

July 2022 Shmita Project NW Newsletter
Welcome to the second issue of our online newsletter! In this issue, we feature the self-assessment that took place in June, in which we invited our partners to reflect with us on “roses, buds, and thorns” in their Shmita Year 5782 activities. Our goal was to open up a conversation around projects our community has been working on this year, including what was successful, what felt difficult, and what ideas were proposed by not implemented

Rabbi Seth Goldstein speaks at Stop Salmon Extinction Rally in Olympia
On Saturday, April 2, people gathered in Olympia to show their support for a comprehensive solution to breaching the Lower Snake River dams that will restore salmon populations and invest in communities along the river. We were honored to hear Rabbi Seth Goldstein of Temple Beth Hatfiloh speak about the sacred work that is salmon recovery and how it aligns with the Shmita year.

April 2022 Shmita Project NW Newsletter
Hello and welcome to the first issue newsletter by the Shmita Project Northwest! Whether you have partnered with us from the start of the Shmita year or are connected with members of our community through various connections and events, welcome! Shmita Project Northwest is a collaboration of communities, rooted both within and outside of the Jewish faith, working to bring Shmita values to life in the our region.

The Call of Shmita in Our Time published a piece by Earth Ministry/WAIPL board member Deirdre Gabbay who speaks to the call of Shmita in our time. Read to hear her vision of holding on by letting go through the paradox of Shmita.