Our Care More, Car Less workbook is the perfect tool for putting together a Care More, Car Less Sunday in your faith community. Care More, Car Less Sunday is an opportunity to experiment with sustainable modes of transportation, engage the topic as a faith community, and celebrate the ways we can protect the goodness of God’s creation.
There are two primary components of this event:
1) encouraging congregants to travel to and from church in an alternative, sustainable way
2) inviting each congregant to complete a pledge card stating their commitments to traveling conscientiously in the future.
As participants, we ask ourselves: How do I usually travel to and from worship? What options are available to me that best reflect my values? Am I willing to pledge myself to sustainable transportation choices?
The Care More, Car Less workbook includes worship aids such as relevant scripture, sermon ideas, and an optional Blessing of the Travelers so you can tailor the event to your congregation’s desires. You can be as creative as you’d like as you connect this issue with the interests of your congregation.
The Care More, Car Less workbook is available upon request. Please email emoffice@earthministry.org to request a copy.