Autumn 2006 Earth Letter

Autumn 2006

In this issue, we seek to gain some perspective on the varying definitions of stewardship.  To accomplish this task, we have enlisted the help of four capable people.  We offer a personal story of serving in West Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer, a look at the connections between stewardship and the cultural issues of poverty and wealth, a perspective from a non-profit that preserves environmentally-significant land, and a primer on  “takings”, a law that makes environmental protection difficult.

In this issue:

  • Gift of Water, Gift of Grace by Tanya Marcovna Barnett
  • Jill Clapp-Hansen Introduces Herself by Jill Clapp-Hansen
  • Stewardship at the Trust for Public Lands: An interview with Roger Hoesterey by Jim Mulligan
  • Stewardship of Private Rural Land, “Takings”, and Initiative 933 by Joel Sisolak
  • Stewardship, Poverty, and Wealth by Peter Sawtell
  • Political Fundamentalism in the United States by David Domke

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