Jan 11 is the first day of the Washington State legislative session. Our advocacy will look different this year, but never fear – we will navigate it together! For now, here’s what we know: 1. The legislature is meeting virtually and doing the best they can to provide opportunities for constituent participation. Click here for a document about remote access. 2. Earth Ministry is supporting key climate and environmental justice bills. Our top priorities are implementing a Clean Fuel Standard (HB 1091) that will clean up emissions from the transportation sector, and passing the HEAL Act to incorporate environmental justice into state law. Check out Earth Ministry’s legislative webpage to view the entire list of bills we’re supporting, learn more, and follow updates. 3. Committee hearings will be online. Options for participation include signing in pro/con for a bill, submitting written testimony, or testifying live. You can access all committee hearings here. The Clean Fuel Standard has its first hearing on Thursday at 1:30pm in the House Environment Committee. The Chair has requested that we submit written comments or sign in but do not verbally testify at this hearing – don’t worry there will be chances for that later! Please use the steps below to take action. The portal is open now and will close 1 hour before the hearing begins. 1. Go to https://app.leg.wa.gov/CSIRemote/House 2. Choose the Environment & Energy committee and the 1/14 1:30pm meeting 3. Select HB 1091 from the list of agenda items 4. Click “I would like my position noted for the legislative record” or “I would like to submit written testimony” 5. Complete the sign in form on the next page 4. The Legislative Hotline is open for calls. Just dial 1-800-562-6000 and an operator will pass along a note to your legislator. Remember to say that you are a person of faith! 5. Earth Ministry is teaching adult education classes on Zoom. If you would like to schedule an online class for your congregation on the topic of legislative advocacy, please contact me at jessica@earthministry.org as our schedule tends to fill up quickly. 6. We are following an emerging conversation about a price on carbon being put forward by the legislature. Earth Ministry will stand behind the leadership of frontline communities working for environmental justice, and we will work to ensure that any proposed policy meets the Climate Alliance’s carbon pricing and investment criteria. Thank you for embarking on this journey with us, we so appreciate your commitment to faithful advocacy! Best, Jessica Zimmerle (she/her) Program & Outreach Director |