Advocates Respond to Puget Sound Clean Air Agency’s Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on Tacoma LNG Facility

Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light Executive Director LeeAnne Beres is quoted in this press release. This press release discusses the moral injustice of the Tacoma LNG plant and how advocates are joining together with the Puyallup Tribe to speak out against the inaccurate Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS). LeeAnne states,“The Puyallup Tribe, citizens of Tacoma, and residents of the Salish Sea have a right to know the total local and global impacts of the LNG facility being built on the Tacoma Tideflats. With missing data and alterations to the project, this FSEIS does not account for the project’s full climate impacts. People of faith add our voice to the chorus calling for the City of Tacoma to commission a more thorough Environmental Impact Statement and for PSCAA to deny the facility’s air permit until such a review is complete.”


Advocates Respond to Puget Sound Clean Air Agency’s Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on Tacoma LNG Facility

By Damon Motz-Storey 

Power Past Fracked Gas

April 1 2019

TACOMA, WA – The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) released its Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) on Friday for the Puget Sound Energy (PSE) liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility, which continues to be built without permits in Tacoma, WA on Medicine Creek Treaty territory. Local community groups responded on Monday by amplifying the Puyallup Tribe’s call for Governor Inslee and the Washington Department of Ecology to initiate a supplemental review that honors the Tribe’s legal rights to consultation, evaluates the many changes to the project, and fairly weighs the science of methane pollution from fracked gas infrastructure (continued…)

To read the full press release from Power Past Fracked Gas click here.