Initiative 1631: Clean Air and Clean Energy

Post-Election Note

After putting our hearts and continual effort into I-1631, we were deeply disappointed for the loss at Washington’s 2018 Midterm election. Together we put forward a vision for a clean energy future honoring our shared values of justice and creation care. Many people of faith volunteered countless hours gathering signatures, educating congregations, phone banking, and knocking on doors – truly putting faith into action. We are so proud and grateful to have been on this journey together.

What we have not lost is the power of our connection with the broad team that drafted and supported I-1631.  While speaking out as moral and religious leaders, we joined over 600 organizations, as well as health care providers, labor unions, low-income activists, communities of color, environmental advocates, businesses, tribes, committed citizens, and over 6500 volunteers coming together for clean air, clean energy, and the health of our communities in our state. The momentum we gained in the I-1631 campaign is powerful.  We will channel the strength and determination we gathered through this campaign toward our 2019 state legislative priorities.

Though Gandhi never said it, this quote attributed to him does summarize his work and ours: “first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Though the Big Oil companies outspent us 2 to 1, we are close to winning. We will continue our advocacy on behalf of God’s creation, our descendants, and the common good.


Yes on I-1631
A Cleaner Future for Washington

Pray for Climate Justice

Now is the time to create a cleaner future for Washington – and faith leaders have a role to play in making this vision a reality! Earth Ministry has worked for years with a broad coalition of partners to craft Initiative 1631, which will result in cleaner air, cleaner energy, and stronger communities.

People of faith are in favor of I-1631 because it aligns with our shared religious values of justice, stewardship, and collaboration. Supporting this initiative is a way to deepen the conversation about care for creation in our houses of worship and answer the call to be advocate for the common good.

Together, we will raise the moral voice for investing in clean energy and strong communities!

An equitable climate action policy…

  • protects our communities’ health and safeguard a better future for our kids
  • invests in clean energy like wind and solar, as well as healthy forests, clean air, and clean water
  • creates thousands of local jobs in our communities across the state while cutting pollution
  • establishs a fee on the largest corporate polluters to make sure that we all are doing our faith share to protect our state
  • ensures the poorest places – hurt most by dirty fuels – receive a substantial share of clean energy, forest, and water investments
  • offers support to workers and communities now dependent on destructive industries so they can shift smoothly to a flourishing green energy economy

It’s up to us

Faith leaders have stood up to corporate polluters time and again to defend our region from dirty coal and oil projects that make vast profits while harming our communities and dirtying our air, water, land, and climate. Now, it’s up to us to protect the health of our families and our communities. We support I-1631 because it will hold destructive industries accountable and build and build an economy that works for all. It honors our commitment to care for creation, protect the most vulnerable among us, and leave a better world for future generations.

Get involved today!

Faith leaders across the state are using Earth Ministry’s I-1631 toolkit to spread the word, in their congregations and beyond. The toolkit includes all the materials you’ll need to talk with your congregation about I-1631, and is being updated regularly! Some materials included are:

  • Bulletin inserts with information about Initiative 1631
  • Fact sheets about why people of faith support Initiative 1631
  • “Sharing your story” worksheet