Faith-rooted & Conscience-led advocacy is putting our faith/conscience/values into action on issues that we care about. It’s speaking truth to power and making our voices heard at public hearings, in meetings with elected officials, and through the media. It’s about living into our values of stewardship, justice, community, and collaboration and working together to secure a better future for all. Faith-rooted, Conscience-led advocacy seeks to change the political and social systems that perpetuate pollution, racism, poverty, and injustice.
Earth Ministry/WAIPL prepares people of faith and conscience to be effective advocates for the health and wellbeing of communities and the environment. We provide the tools and training for you to be able to tell your story to decision makers, let them know why you care, and what actions you as a constituent want to see them take to protect our neighbors and all of creation.
Earth Ministry/WAIPL provides numerous opportunities in the state legislature and Congress for members of the faith community to put our faith into action on issues such as climate change, toxics and children’s health, fossil fuel infrastructure, and public lands, among many others. We also engage people of faith in statewide regulatory advocacy. We help faithful advocates understand and engage in our State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) process which ensures that proposed projects, public facilities, and policies don’t have negative environmental impacts.
Ongoing Campaigns
Fossil Fuels
Values of stewardship, justice, and intergenerational responsibility tell us that basing an economy on petrochemicals is not taking care of creation nor good for long-term prosperity.

Rivers, Salmon, & Orcas
Native tribes, people of faith and conscience, those who farm and fish for a living – in fact all of us who need water or food to survive – celebrate the gifts of the Northwest Rivers and the life they support.

Toxic Chemicals
People of faith and conscience know that we have a moral obligation to protect present and future generations from toxic contamination in the products we use every day.

Climate Justice
The climate crisis is a central moral and spiritual challenge of our time. As global warming disrupts our climate – creating storms, floods, drought and despair – all are threatened.

WA Legislation
Each year, Earth Ministry/WAIPL selects bills that most strongly reflect our values of stewardship and justice, and advocates for them through the legislative process.

National Legislation
People of faith and conscience know that we have a moral obligation to protect present and future generations from toxic contamination in the products we use every day.