ACT NOW: A bold new vision for salmon and communities

For years, people of faith across the Northwest have been calling on our elected officials to support a collaborative approach regarding the future of the Lower Snake River. We know that, working together, we can meet our moral obligations to restore endangered species, honor tribal treaty rights, and invest in our farming and fishing communities. Now, our values are being reflected in an exciting new national dialogue.

This past weekend, Congressman Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) released a groundbreaking proposal that seeks to bring people together for the biggest salmon and river restoration project in history.

Tell your US Representative and Senators that we need their leadership

Rep. Simpson’s proposal is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to save salmon and steelhead from extinction, which will honor tribal treaty rights for NW Native nations. The plan will also invest in a vibrant economy for tribes, farmers, fishermen, and local businesses; ensure plentiful, clean electric power; and recover endangered orcas dependent on healthy salmon runs. Learn more and watch a short video on Rep. Simpson’s website.

This is a groundbreaking proposal, and we can’t let it slip through our fingers. Restoration of a free-flowing Lower Snake River offers an opportunity to develop win-win solutions and invest in infrastructure upgrades that will benefit everyone.

This proposal also allows us to live into our religious values of stewardship and justice while ensuring the health and wellbeing of communities and the environment. It’s important that we continue to speak up as people of faith in support of this process because we can serve as a mediating presence. By naming shared values and ensuring communities will be kept whole, faith leaders can shift the tone of a challenging conversation.

Ask your members of Congress to work with Rep. Simpson and others in the Northwest to help lead us into a prosperous future with abundant salmon and thriving communities.

That future is possible with all of us working together. Thanks for lending your voice to this important effort.

LeeAnne Beres (she/her)
Executive Director