A statement from ELCA presiding bishop addressing our call to care for creation

In honor of the Season of Creation, Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, released a powerful statement on creation care. Bishop Eaton encourages Lutherans nationwide to put faith in action by living out the values expressed in the ELCA Social Statement on Care for Creation. She also shares how the denomination is leading conversations around just transition during the Global Climate Action Summit in California this September. We appreciate the ELCA’s leadership on environmental stewardship and justice!


A statement from ELCA presiding bishop addressing our call to care for creation

By the Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton


August 31, 2018

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) members pray and care for God’s marvelous creation every day. We also join the global Christian community each Sept. 1 to Oct. 4 to mark the Season of Creation. This season starts with a World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation, an invitation to focus our worship, our stewardship and action on honoring God by honoring and caring for God’s handiwork.

As members of the ELCA, we share a love and a responsibility for all that God has made. In our social statement “Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope and Justice,” we affirm that “made in the image of God, we are called to care for the earth as God cares for the earth. God’s command to have dominion and subdue the earth is not a license to dominate and exploit. (continued…)

To read the full statement from the ELCA click here.