A Native American tribe demands the return of its spiritual relative — an orca

In this article, Earth Ministry’s very own Jessie Dye, Senior Campaign Strategist, speaks of our moral obligation to care for creation. “Not one of [the Abrahamic Religions] would say letting a species such as the orca go extinct is good stewardship of God’s creation”. Our beloved Orca are in need of our stewardship, which is why it is one of Earth Ministry’s 2019 Legislative Priorities. We are thankful for the guidance of Lummi Nation as we work together to save the Southern Resident Orcas.


A Native American tribe demands the return of its spiritual relative — an orca

By Julia Duin

Religious News Service

December 10, 2018

Whales are a staple in the waters off the Pacific Northwest.

The local culture is so wrapped up in a whale identity that Seattle’s metro bus cards are called “orca” passes for the type of whale also known as killer.

“I believe we have orcas in our soul in this state,” Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said last spring.

And the native tribes see them as spiritual relatives.

That’s why not only the locals but also people around the world were transfixed for 17 days this past summer as a 20-year-old orca — known as J-35 or Tahlequah — birthed a calf, only to see it die a half-hour later. (continued…)

To read the full article from Religious News Service click here.