Winter 2008-2009 Earth Letter

Winter 2008-09

Taken as a whole, this issue presents a kaleidoscopic “view” of the emergence of recognizing the sacredness of God’s Creation in our time, and its call to us as we move into the future.  We honor the finalists in Earth Ministry’s first Celebration of St. Francis Creation Care Sermon Contest and present the sermons from the two winners.  Jessie Dye gives a summary of the legislative priorities for 2009, Joan Chittister writes on the riches of interfaith experiences, and Cormac Cullinan discusses legal rights for nature.

Inside this issue:

  • A Glimpse of Oneness for Change by Joan Chittister
  • Earth Ministry’s 2009 Legislative Priorities: Advocacy for a Stable Climate and Clean Water for Washington State by Jessie Dye
  • Sermon Contestant Bio-Sketches
  • Keeping the Sabbath to Keep the Earth by Sherry Golden
  • The Care of Creation as a Moral and Ethical Imperative  by Sister Mimi Maloney, SNJM
  • Ways to Support Earth Ministry

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